Friday 28 December 2018

AWS - Accessing Amazon EC2 Instance from Windows using Putty

If you have already launched AWS EC2 instance and looking for option to access that instance from Windows machine using Putty, this post may help you.In case, you have not already launched the AWS EC2 server, not a problem. Please refer this post to launch the Linux EC2 instance on AWS.

1. Make sure that you have already installed Putty on your windows machine. If not please download and install.
2. While launching the EC2 instance, you must have saved .pem file (step#8 in this post). But Putty uses .ppk file instead of .pem file. You need to generate .ppk file from .pem file. Follow below steps to generate .ppk file.

A) Open PuTTYgen (<yourDirWhereYourDownloadedPutty>\putty\PUTTYGEN.EXE)

B) Choose Load on the right side
C) Set the file type to *.*
D) Browse and open your .pem file
E) PuTTY will auto-detect everything it needs, and you just need to choose Save private key and you can save your .ppk file.

Accessing Amazon EC2 Instance using Putty
1.  Open putty (<yourDirWhereYourDownloadedPutty>\putty\PUTTY.EXE)
2.  Fill the IP of EC2 box. If you are not sure about EC2 IP, refer step#11 from this post to locate the EC2 IP.

 3. Now you need to mention Auth file. Here you need to provide .ppk file that you just generated in prerequisite section above.

4. Once you choose Open, a dialog box is opened. Just select YES to connect to the server. When command prompt comes with login as, type user name as ec2-user  and enter. Now you are able to access the Linux machine you launched as EC2 on AWS. 


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